Thursday, August 28, 2008

Flutter Kakes

This is my first attempt at chocolate candy. I think they came out well, except for the antennas which were too delicate and most didn't make it.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Trey comes to visit - Trey gets a rollar coaster kake.

Minty Kupkakes

Mint kupkakes and mini mint kupkakes for everyone! After all - who turns down a Junior Mint?

VBS KupKakes

These kupkakes are for the kids during vacation bible school at Seacoast Church. They had a "power lab" theme.

2BC Kake

This is Melonie's birthday kake. It's a Luis Vitton purse, but with 2BC for 2Broadscast (as in And it's purple - her favorite color (and mine, too).

Sunny Kake

The sunflower kake made with Peeps seems to be everyone's favorite and was super easy to make.

Strawberry-strawberry kake

This one is all for Nacarra, who challenged me to make an all over strawberry cake. Only for someone as sweet as Nacarra :P

Kinky Kake

Mudflap girl was the life of the party at our girl's night out.

Kommunity Kake

I won a contest with this kake. Happy 200th, Greensboro!

Sick Alien Ant Farm Kake

This cake is for George who moved back to NY just when he was realizing how sweet Greensboro is. He wanted the rainbow chips icing because it's the best and I totally agree. We miss you, George!

Birdie Basket Kake

This is the "grand finally" - kind of like your exam at the end of Wilton II.
I took it to my last hospice patient/family volunteer class. I hope everyone enjoyed it - they are a special group of people.

1st Kake

This is the first cake I made in cake decorating class. It's basic Wilton.
See how messy the table is?

My sister's friend was having a baby shower, so they ate it. Heard it was tasty.